Zack has a thing for cars, trucks, planes, backhoes...let's face it any kind of mode transportation. While back he started talking about rockets. The super dad, of course, Albert showed him some launches on youtube and made several out of Lego's. I know he has been waiting for Zack to be old enough for the really cool big boy toys and I am sure we will be building rockets etc. at the Gallego house.
But for now the little rocket set I was lucky enough to come across at trip to Bookies will have to do. (True be told, Zack found it and wouldn't let it go but I was looking for something like it and it was perfect.)
It has two shuttles, several rockets from past space missions and a few test jets...All a boy could want. Playing at Landon's with homemade rocket. Dad and Zack deciding on which block makes prefect rocket. One of many rockets built with new Lego's dad got Zack for his birthday! Little space shuttle that of course joined Zack and mom for pancakes. Flying over little creeks is the best! "Blast off, into outer space!!" Never without these spaceships, at least this week. More takes off and landings. Zack loves to "match" things the past few weeks and we lucked out with two shuttles in the package I bought. Of course he has to know their names too...Discovery and Enterprise. Getting back to almost normal stride...His balance is back to normal too. Nothing better than flying rockets in Copper Mountain while dad completes 78 mile bike ride.
Zack got his cast off and didn't walk for the first week and a half. I'll admit I was a bit worried, so I called the Doctor. She assured me that it was normal and to give him another few days and work on exercises. She must be psychic or a really good childrens doctor because he was trying to walk the next day, and getting better every day after. Or as Zack says "getting stronger, getting bigger!"
Below is little sample of his walking over the past two weeks, ending with him chasing me at the Zoo Sunday. He's almost back to his pre-break sprinting.
Zack and I went to the Botanic gardens with the Campbell's. After our usual greeting, (both boys running in slow motion, laughing, just like in a movie) we were off to explore the gardens. Zack already has a few favorite spots, like the bumpy road (hand-placed stone walkway-amazing and hard to imagine how long it someone spent on it), T-Rex waterfall, and the pond. koi. Today we found a few soon to be favorites!
First off was a little kids dino area. They have a sand pit and few dino cut outs... Zack tried out dino one... While LT went for the Dino lover. Next Zack took Landon to see the koi pond, and LT showed Brian the view from the bridge. Zack has always loved to push LT in stroller, or sometimes just the stroller. So he was off with LT in tow. LT showed us a cool area towards the back of gardens, that has little "hikes". It has a few paths that go over little hills cut into the landscaping that the boys can climb. Zack loved it! I am sure we will do this many more times! The next stop was this beautiful little waterfall what pours into little pond. On the way to pond, it goes under a few rocks which the boys found a crack in. Zack could have sat and watched the water all day. On the way out I managed to get a family picture of the Campbell's with everyone looking the same direction!! One of Zack's favorite things is to stop in one of the many gazebos for a snack. This time it was less about the snacking and more about the dancing, spinning and just plain silliness! ***apologies in advance for little bit of shake and the load beeping from the construction vehicles.
Of course the most exciting thing at the Botanic gardens is the construction! We watch the diggers when we arrive and then again when we leave. Boys!
We started brushing Zack's teeth before the actually had teeth and so far at least he likes to brush his teeth. The routine was we brushed then let him finish up but lately he is more adamant about doing it himself. I am a little worried he just doesn't brush as effectively as needed so I got one of those battery powered ones. I remember that Elias and Adriana loved theirs, so figured why not. Turns out he likes it as long a its mama's...that is the key now.
Notice the other pink one in his other hand. I never have a tooth brush now because Zack uses, leaves somewhere** and Storm eats it.
**Bathroom became water hazard with cast so we brush elsewhere.
These are a few of the faces Zack made while playing with his water table...I was there but I am not sure what some of them were! I did my best to decipher the ones that aren't obvious. Example #1, I asked him to smile for mom... This is what I got. Example #2, not sure but odds are he was making some kind of car noise. This is when he said T-Rex was "so tiny, so cute", right before he gave him a kiss.
And the T-Rex Kiss. And this one is just one of my favorite's!
Usually Zack has a bath every other night as part of his night time routine. With a cast to his hip, this becomes a challenge. Granted he isn't playing in dirt or mud like usual but he is two and still manages to get pretty messy. The first two days we just did a wash cloth wipe down but he really seemed to need a bath tonight. At first he wasn't to sure about the grocery's bag and saran wrap cover we fashioned to protect the cast from water, but once he had bowl of bubbles, he forgot all about it. Cars, of course, need to to be washed too. Eventually we actually got Zack scrubbed too! All was fun and games until he tried to pour the whole bowl of bubbles on cast...That put an end bath time quickly.
This morning was too beautiful to stay inside so Zack and I took Grandma to the Zoo. We made the normal rounds stopping to see Hippo play in mud bath, and watch a trainer feed penguins. Zack requested that we see "panda bears" but since we don't have any here, settled for the brown and black bears.
Even though I thought we had seen everything at the Zoo, we managed to uncover a new activity. They have this nice little Avery tucked back by the primate area. It is a lot like the one he loved in Long Beach at the aquarium. You can buy at little Dixie cup of nectar to feed the birds. They aren't as brave as the ones in LB, but they sure like the food. One little bird must have been really thirty, since he followed us around the whole place. We nicknamed him "greedy", and he earned it when he stole the cup out of my hand. That really upset Zack and he had a hard time understanding that it was empty. We were finally able reassure him that we could come another time and feed the birds with dad.
Next stop was to visit the train. Grandma tried to get out of riding the train but Zack wouldn't hear of it..."Gramma, on train too" he said several times until she caved.
I think she enjoyed it, of course Zack did.
Next we found a little rock area in shade to take a break. However even with a broken leg, Zack doesn't really take breaks. He insisted on trying to "climb up". Of course I was right there and insisted that he could sit on the rocks and climb again soon.
It ended up being a great spot for Gramma and Zack photo opp... It was hard to get Zack to sit still, even in a cast...But managed to get one with him semi still. And then one of him cracking up at something Gramma did. Another fun adventure at the Denver Zoo!
Little Baker
As a naturally clean person who doesn't like messes, it takes all my
strength to see the good in this chaos. BUT, I am trying. After work each
day and be...
Beautiful Russian Ladies Looking for Love
c5beff18f179e0f01f93fe40b4ded8d3 pa County Sheriff's Office's) pattern and
practice of racial profiling and its conducting of operations for reasons
Return of the Jedis: Star Wars Reads Day
A few weeks ago, one of the neighbor kids knocked on our door and invited
Joseph to Star Wars Reads Day at the local library. We had already seen the
Moab 2010
Easy to reach from our campsite: Canyonlands. Very pretty as you see.
The 6 hour road trip went pretty well - Lucas and Maike did good!
And Norman too.
The girls are playing together more and more. And this allows Mike to show
them the other uses for their toys.
Stroller rides!
A little breakfast bonding.
Ireland Highlights
Riley and I made it to Ireland and back without too many hitches. She slept
most of the way there. The worst parts of flying were when she had to be