September 30, 2008

A boy and his bear

I came across the softest little bear about a month or so after Zack was born. It says 2007 on one of the paws and so I thought it would be nice cuddly bear memento for Zack. He really didn't care about it, opting to hold his cars and trucks as comfort items, so it sat in his room for the past year. He still loves his trucks and trains but has recently fell in love with his little bear. He cuddles with him every night before he goes to sleep. I tried to get a picture of him and his bear buddy, but the light was low.
Hope you can see how loving Z is...

Kiss good night for bear.

September 27, 2008

Coffee date with Mia

We had a coffee date with Mia and Anna on Friday. It was such a pretty morning, we decided we would walk the few blocks to from Anna's to the cafe. For some reason, Zack wanted nothing to do with Mia's wagon and opted to be carried. Even after Sarah, showed him how fun it was. I should have known it was gonna be an adventure by Zack refusing a free ride.

Getting coffee with two energetic one year old's proved to be quite interesting even though we had them out numbered with 4 adults. I don't have many pictures because we were too busy keeping them out of the street, out of our coffee, and in the patio area.
One thing that kept them busy for a few minutes was Mia taught Zack about positive affirmations.
According to Anna, you look into reflective window and say, "I am smart enough, cool enough, pretty enough", etc. Then you kiss your reflection. Mia has it down pat and practiced several times. Zack tried it once. I think he's not to sure about the "pretty enough" part.

Next gangster gymnast Mia showed us how much she loves shoes. What skillz!
So after trying to drink, now cold coffee and one chocolate milk mess, we gave up on the coffee shop and headed to the park to let these little monsters burn some energy!

Mia was all about the swing...

While Zack checked out the slide.
Coffee with these two is defiantly not like the it used to be...

Zack meeting Mia for first time at Cafe Caliente when he was just a week old.
Ah, the good old days!!

September 26, 2008

Obama baby!

In honor of the first presidential debates tonight, I thought I would post these pics of Zack modeling my Obama hat!

So cute!!

Such an Obama Mama boy!

September 25, 2008

Hawk Haircut

The day finally came! While Z still doesn't have a lot of hair on the sides or back, the hawk was becoming more and more like a bad comb over. It was time for his first hair cut! I don't, I repeat, I don't cut hair, but I did watch my sister Heather trim Elias with Albert's buzzer. So figured Albert and I could manage to take and inch or so off the top, right?!

First we let Zack check out the buzzer and get used to the noise it makes. He had a great time turning it off and on, again and again.
I was admittedly a little scared of butchering his hair, so I made Albert do the actual trimming. After all it was his trimmer. Dad took a swipe at the front of the hawk, just taking off about a half inch.

I think Zack was a little worried that we were gonna cut off his chic magnat, but we went slow and only trimmed a little off the top and cut the little duck tail off the back.

Here he is, Elvis/Billy Idol lip and all, combing his new hair do!

September 21, 2008

Piano lessons

Zack loves to go next door to Wanda's house and say Hi. Lately he has noticed the piano. Yesterday when we showed up at Wanda's she was in the middle of practicing for her up coming lessons. Zack saw her playing and wanted to sit up on bench and join in. I've never had the camera with me for documenting his playing, so this time I dashed home and caught his concert.
Zack takes his piano practice very seriously...

"I don't need to read, I play my own tunes!"

September 19, 2008

Looking more and more like big boy!

But still needs a nap after playing with his friends.

September 18, 2008

Three is company but CRAZY!!

The Campbell's are taking a family vacation this week so Zack and Sofi volunteered to keep LT occupied for a few hours so mom could do some getting ready. I was only able to take these two pictures of the three of them when we arrived in front of the house.

This is the only time the three of them were even in the same area.
Next time I will bring an high speed action camera and an assistant!

For some reason, everytime Zack goes to the Campbell's, he has to knock on the door at the house next to them. Brian says it is because he wants to buy it and move there. I disagree, at least until Zack gets a job.