May 26, 2009

First trip to dentist...Kinda.

I had a filling fixed a month or so ago and it was bothering me last week so I had to make a trip to the dentist.

It was last minute so they said I could bring Zack along. I figured if it became more than just an adjustment, I would just go back the next day and Albert would watch Zack.

The waiting room proved to be interesting to Zack. There were a few cool books, one with amazing pictures of wonders around the world, which kept him busy for 5 minutes. Then he discovered a river rock wall water feature.

That was great entertainment for the next 5 minutes until they called us to the back.

I was a little surprised that the dentist chair and all the equipment wasn't more intimidating. He ran right up to the chair and climbed up.

He sat on my lap the entire time they check and adjusted my cap. Didn't hurt that the dental assistant Brandy is super nice and pretty lady. Zack was in full flirt mode. She spraid him with water pic and the air blower.

He played hide and seek with me, running out with Brandy when they took an x-ray.

By far the best part was the gloves...

we had lots of fun trying them on while we waited for the dentist to look at the film.

Then I showed him he could blow it up like a balloon.

It had rained quite a bit while we were inside, so the "ballon" got to play in puddles.

Then it went everywhere with us the rest of the day!

May 17, 2009

Mr. Cool

I have finally got Z to wear his sunglasses more regularly...Only because he had new cool ones just like mom and dad!

Play date at little playground

This past Saturday Zack had been missing LT so much. It worked out that we could meet Landon at his place and take a short to a cute little school play ground. I didn't bring a stroller but that was ok, LT wanted to test out his new double stroller.

I don't how to properly describe this feature on jungle gym but it had a crank and little race car. Needless to say, Zack spend a decent amount of time "racing".

LT had great time climbing up and down the stairs, until he decided it was snack time...

And raided my backpack, stealing a container of strawberries and blueberries. It worked out perfectly, once Z caught him. Z ate blueberries and LT ate strawberries! I am sure we will spend more time at this playground.

May 10, 2009

Boys and bugs

I know having a son will include a lot of little critters coming home, and it stared the other day with Zack.
He's already chased a few ants around the side walk at park and petted snake at JCC family day. Friday he caught his first bug, a Rollie Pollie bug (otherwise known as sow or pill bug).

He loved it!! At first I had to hold it so he could say "Hi".

Then he started to warm up to the idea of holding it...

Eventually he held it gently and tried not squish the poor thing....It rolled up at few times which he thought was super cool.

Of course, like all animals he had to give it a "hug"! We put quotes around hug because you have to say "huuuuggg" when you give animals a hug.