October 26, 2007

You might be saying, "Why a blog?"

I have finally managed to make myself write something on our family site Albert created shortly after Zackary was born. We shamelessly stole the blog idea from Brian and Kari.

I had all the best intentions as a new mom. I wanted to post all the amazing, silly and insightful things that happen everyday with the new little addition to our clan, but I never seem to have the time. I am good at taking lots of pictures and putting them on shutterfly for all to see but I haven't shared any of the little "events" that happen.
Now that Zack is almost 5th months old, I am realizing that in such a short time, so much has happened, and I feel like I can't remember it all. Although Albert swears I never forget anything.

I plan to use this as a modern day baby book for Zack. So in an effort to not end up on every one's spam list I won't be sending out notices on every update, so please check back often for news. I promise to put stories and pictures up as regularly as possible. Also feel free to add comments, just no making fun of my spelling or grammar errors.

- Shawn


Brian said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of baby blogging. Now you too can fill up the Internet with mindless ranting and cute baby pictures - just like LT's dad but probably with better grammar.

Lucky for you, you have a good subject in Z!

jsrifkin said...

It's about time you joined us in the techy tech world! http://meettherifs.blogspot.com/

Although we are definitely behind in updating the blog. Speaking of which we need to trade photos from our day at Tenn St coffee.