June 27, 2008

When pigs attack

Zack loved the petting zoo so much last week that we decided to go again. This time we invited LT and his mom.

All was going well, Zack showed Landon the cows, chickens, goats and turkey, and finally the pigs.

At first I thought he was just licking Zack because he was laughing, (as usual for Z) but then I noticed he was biting his cloths!! Little bugger was trying to eat Zack for breakfast.

Here is what happens when pig's attack...

While I was picking up Z he made his move on LT...

He was fine and didn't cry or anything but you can tell by look on face he wasn't to pleased!!
We decided to ditch the crazy pig and check out the other "safe" animals.

Later Landon and Zack had fun pushing each other around in LT's stroller!

June 23, 2008

Cyclin' widows

Last year when Albert got his road bike he made a vow to ride in the MS150. A fund raising event for Multiple Sclerosis that is a two day 150 mile ride to Fort Collins and back. Since it's been about 10 years since Albert has done more than ride to work and back, he knew this was going to require a lot of training.

Fortunately early in the training process Albert convinced our neighbor Bret to ride the MS150 as well.
Since then Lynda and I have been biking widows.

(at Bull and Bush after the first long ride of the year, only 42 miles)

Zack and I spend many weekends and evenings
waiting for dad to get back from bike rides,
but at least we have Lynda and Nixie to play with.

Zack loves to watch dad take off for rides and is even more elated when he returns.
Shadow always lets us know dad has arrived
so Zack can see him out front window.
Zack is aways super excited to greet dad when he returns from a ride.
Lately he even seems to associate all bike riders and bikes with dad!!

Sometimes just for fun (Albert says doesn't count towards training) Zack gets to ride behind dad in the trailer.

Bret and Dad after completing 65 mile Elephant Rock "practice" ride in Castle Rock

If you want to follow Albert's last week of training progress ,
see cute picture of Zack or to donate, please check out his ride site.
We are so very proud of his training and fund raising efforts
and can't wait for race day to cheer him on!!
Albert is the one that has to do the hard riding but it is defiantly a family effort.

June 21, 2008

First Shoes

Zack and I went shopping for his first pair of big boy shoes today!! Of course it was a big day, and you know mommy loves shoes, especially, if you consider my past profession, how much I love children's shoes. I wouldn't take Zack anywhere but Little Feet and More right here in Cherry Creek North. They are the most knowledgeable, offer the best service and are previous customers of mine. Husband and wife team, Beth and Buddy, (owners) are awesome and the kids love them.

Anyway, there were a couple other first walkers getting shoes too and Zack had a great time making friends. I was so excited watching Zack picking and trying on shoes that I forgot to take a picture at the store. I only remembered when Zack was in car seat and ready to got to next errand.

He was so upset when we had to get going...but the shoes look good!

Later that day we met Dad at REI to get some camping gear. What better place to try out his new "hikin" shoes?!?!

At this point he was like, "Um, I walked better before these silly things". But soon he was back to running around just fine!

June 19, 2008

Park with Wanda

Zack and I walked down to our little neighborhood park with Wanda, our next door neighbor. She is one of Zack's local grandma's since both of his live out of Denver.

Zack loves to swing but usually just kinda sits and enjoys the view...

This time Wanda was determined to show him how to
"pump" his feet and go high...

He mostly just laughed but he did seem to kick once and make the swing go!

June 18, 2008

DT Aquarium with LT

Today Zack and I wanted to get out and do something so we spontaneously ask Kari and LT if they wanted to join us at the Denver Aquarium. LT said he would love to so it was a date, Best Bud kind, not like with Mia, Sofi or Sofia. Anyways, the boys had a great time...

We found some cool tunnels, which are LT's favorite and

Zack had a blast pushing his Mini Cooper all the way through several times.

They had a eel that Zack enjoyed playing with and...

a whale shark for the Landon.

And once we tired them out...
We went to My Brother's Bar for lunch...

Fries first...

Then cheeseburgers!! YUMMY!!!

June 16, 2008

Playdate with Sofi

Zack and I invited Sofi over to play, so Renee, who is teaching summer school could spend the morning at a training class. Renee was grateful, but a little concerned that Sofi wouldn't sleep while away from home. Renee suggested we go for a walk if that was the case. Unfortunately it was raining so Zack and I made the most of our indoor play date.

The kiddos played for a bit and Sofi even tried to make friends with Shadow.
But the second Shadow tried to give her a kiss she had second thoughts.
Zack even tried to show her that Shadow loves kids but she still looked unsure.

After all the excitement Sofi looked a little tired, so Zack had a good idea to let Sofi borrow his old swing....just to see if it would work....

Within minutes she was out, although she held on to those rings for dear life

After Sofi got up, the kids had a great time playing in Zack's room. Sofi loved the walking toys, blocks and balls and Zack played with his trucks.

All was well until Sofi decided that the trucks looked like a lot of fun....

Sofi has yet to learn that boys and their toys can't be easily separated!

Eventually they made up and Zack even showed Sofi what stairs are and how to climb them!!

Camping with the Campbell's

This past weekend we invited Brett, Linda, Nixie and the Campbell's to join us camping at Lake Wellington. Unfortunately Nixie's family got a nasty bug the forced them to cancel but the Campbell's were still able to make it and got to hang out with LT and his parents in a beautiful lake setting. While Zack is now a camping veteran, this was LT's first experience.

I think LT looked a little concerned about the adults tent building skills, but it went up fine and end up being a fun place to play before bedtime.

Zack has become more and more confident in his walking abilities and was able to balance much better on the uneven territory this time, even enough to push LT around in his little stroller.

And of course, Zack had to try a campfire toasted marshmallow...


June 11, 2008

12 months!!

Today Zack had his 12 month well check and this time we did have vaccinations. But before we had to deal with the shots, we got to play and run around the exam room, literally.

Zack found the cutest book in the basket under table and we spent 15 minutes reading this fun little book about animals.

He was able to be happy for a bit before the shots...

After all the yucky shots, Dr. Lisa said Zack could have a sucker!!
You can even see the toothiers in this picture.

It was sugar free but still seemed to be yummy by the look on Zack's face.

We have some stat updates... 18.5 lbs, 29 inches, and his melon was 17 3/4 inches.
He is a lot taller, but only one pound heavier. Must be all the running around!!

June 10, 2008

Camping weekend at Lake Welllington

Albert was always into camping, real camping. Not like the kind I grew up doing, RV parked on a slab. He bought me all the gear and we did it many years but have realized we night have to find a happy medium when we have kids. Over the past few years we have been "car" camping...we have a huge SUV we load up with tons of gear and the dogs. It is this type of camping we are looking forward to sharing with the kids.

With that said, we decided it was time for Zack first trip. He started out by helping me check out all the gear and then decided what food he wanted to take. (right)

Picture of Lake Wellington (left)

Here he is setting up the tent with dad. Might be the first time the
tent has been built with out a single cuss word...

Zack had a great time exploring (eating) new things, pine cones, rocks, etc

We decided it was a bit cold at night so
we made a bed in the back of the truck,
and what boy wouldn't think that was cold to sleep in a truck. Outside he got to play with a big truck, which made him very happy.

We went for a family hike up to this cool water fall,

Casey, Irene, Ryan and Caden showed us the way...

Little man, like dad...The are starting to act alike.

Zack hasn't realized the is not a big as the big kids
and tries his best to keep up...

Zack's first camp fire with mommy!

Picture of camp before sunset...Turned out to be a great family weekend!!