February 14, 2008

Play "date" with Mia

This past Wednesday, Zack and I gladly volunteered to give Miss Mia's normal care takers a much deserved break. This was just half day to see if Mia liked playing with Zack and I.

What is a date anyway? According to dictionary.com, "An engagement to go out socially with another person, often out of interest" My understanding of a date is a meeting of two people at a predetermined place and time for the purpose of getting to know each other better. Nothing more, nothing less. Sounds like our objective of getting Mia more comfortable with Zack and I, so I guess this was a date!

So here is how the date went...

The usual start, the guy goes to girls place, and is interviewed by protective father. Steve and Zack did the normal guy to dad pleasantries while Anna gave me all the "Diva" tips. Then the parents were off to their respective jobs.

Mia noticed the not so subtle mamma-rattizzi right away but Z is used to it so he just went about playing...

Mia decided to not fight it and started posing...So cute!!
On the other hand the look I am getting from Z is pure embarrassment because of hovering mother. At around 10, Kari and Landon swung by to see if they could help,

but I think Kari just needed her "aborable little girl fix". I also heard they came over because LT didn't want Zack getting any time alone with Mia.

Not sure what upset LT, his current cold or Mia playing with Z for the moment...

but he did recovered quickly...maybe because he had his
wingman, Zack.

Kari was a big help!! She must have inherited her mother's "baby whisperer" touch, because after a few minutes and little bit of milky's, Mia was out!!

Mia's little cat nap didn't last long so we decided to head out for a walk... I've heard it works wonders at getting the little princess to sleep...
Kari wanted to make sure Mia wasn't cold, so she used all of her blankets...
and one of Landon's hats! She even looks like a diva in boy stuff.
So we were off...one baby in papoose, and one in each stroller.
Landon and Kari attempted at run...
while Mia and Zack strolled along chatting...

and to show Mia his sensitive side, Z made friends with this little doggie. You know how Zack loves dog dogs!!
After the walk we headed back to Mia's place to chill and maybe have some lunch since they were getting along so well...
That was until Zack saw that Mia's cool cell phone. Zack is a lot like his dad...easily distracted by new electronics. Mia was admiring Zack's shoes and trying to make small talk but Zack wasn't listening...

Mia decided she had been ignored long enough...

And stole the phone. She also checked to see who Z was calling, while Zack was smart and just kept his thumb in mouth... sticking to his original story, "I was just texting my bro LT"

Again Zack was distracted by a new toy that Anna bought for their big date...

Finally Mia tried the direct approach to get Zack to give her the attention she deserves...wasn't working so
I decided maybe we should move the date forward to lunch.
Mia had prepared a little something to impress Zack. Yogurt, apples, prunes, with a side of Cherrio's. Both enjoyed the food, and the company. Zack even tried to play a little footies with Mia...

After lunch both kiddo's were ready for a little quite time but neither was going to give in and go off to dream land. I was about to give up on Mia napping when Daddy returned. As soon as he held her, the thumb went in the mouth and she was out. What skillz!! So our job was done. I packed up Z and headed home for his nap.

It turned out to be a great play "date"!! Zack and I are waiting by the phone for a second date.

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