April 25, 2009

Single Dad Weekend - Episode 1 (Breakfast and Soccer)

For the first time since Zack was born Shawn has fled Colorado for a weekend of grown up conversation and uninterrupted warm meals. She's leaving just us boys at home (Zack, Shadow, Storm and I) and I think she's a little worried. However I'm not sure if she's more worried about Zack or what state the house will be in when she gets back :)

On the bright side Saturday is usually a busy morning with Soccer practice and I figured why cook when Z and I could go get yummy french toast and pancakes.

On our way to breakfast, Zack with a couple of cars of course.

Zack mowing a pretty big plate of french toast. "Tasty Good!"

Zack "hiding" on the way to soccer practice

Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of soccer practice because I spend the entire time chasing and corralling my bundle of energy. One thing they do at soccer is play red light, green light. However today Zack didn't really care that much about whether the light was red or green, but he did find a yellow spot on the ground and tell me, "yellow, slow down, slow down".

The best part of soccer according to some is the happy face stamps at the end.

Apparently the stamps had to "HUG"

Now hopefully we can both manage a nap!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Looks like you guys are doing great so far!