January 25, 2008

Big Boy Food!!

In the world of baby nutrition, the next thing after "milky's" is what they call first solids. It makes no sense to me since it is not really "solids" at all. You mix the chosen food, in our case, rice cereal with milky's. It is mostly milky cereal, until you venture into food that is basically pureed into liquids. I guess you gotta start somewhere, but it is defiantly not what I would call "solid".

However, this week Zack tried "real" solid food, opposed the food I take and turn into puree in food processor. I thought peas would be fun and easy enough to practice his "pincher" skills on.

Ummm, What are these little round, green things?

Ah, I can almost get one, nope, dropped it.

Darn,these things are hard to pick up...spoon was better!

GOT ONE!! Kinda funny feeling!

Takes me awhile to mash up with no teeth.

Not to sure about these, wait, give me a minute...

As usual with Z, any type of food gets the thumbs up!!

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