January 2, 2008

Zack loves dog dogs

We've had the dogs a lot long before we had Zack, and we weren't sure for the first few months what he'd think of the dogs. Some kids get scared by our big dogs, but ever since Zack started to notice the world around him he's always gotten excited when they walk into the room. Shawn assures me that he gets just as excited to see the dogs as he does when he sees me. However I like to think that I rank higher than the dogs, but I'll let the video speak for itself.

This is Zack with Brian and Kari's dog Halie,
you can imagine what he's like with ours :)

1 comment:

Brian said...

Just to set the record straight - that is Sidney, Landon's Granddad's dog. Hailie is much better behaved than that!