January 10, 2008

Sunday Brunch play date

This past Sunday, Riley's mom, Emily and dad, Colm, had a few of the babies over for Sunday brunch. Albert and I used to enjoy the occasional Sunday breakfast out, but now, with Zack pretty much demanding that we be home by 6 pm, so he can be in his bed, brunch is about the best time to catch up with the babies! (Plus mommy's, and daddy's.)

Hostess's Riley and Emily

Landon, Zack, new friend Jack, and host Riley

Emily provided some great food, coffee (super important) and mimosa's (even more important), and Kari made some yummy eggs, that even I decided to try. (No eggs for me since they made me sick while I was prego.) They were really yummy.

We met a few new babies...One is literally new, just 6 weeks. She was so cute and is another Sophie. I think Zack is gonna think all girls are "Sofi's /Sophia's / Sophie's.

Zack of course playing with giant lady bug while Landon flirts with new Sophie

After Landon left, Zack scored a back massage from Riley, although, in reality, Riley is just learning to sit and Zack was the closest thing she could grab on to.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Really, really cute! Ha! Ha! I love the baby massage. :)