March 12, 2008

9 months!!

Zack had his nine month check up yesterday! I don't know who was more excited, he or I, but we found out this appointment had no vaccinations! Yeah!! Honestly, it was probably me, since he really doesn't understand yet.

But with no unpleasenties, it made for a mostly fun morning. He got the usual mesurements and vitals checked...And, of course he flirted with all the lady nurses and doctors. This is the first dr appointment since he can really move around, so it was a lot harder to keep him preoccupied....but we managed to find some fun things, to do...

like wreck havoc on the exam table paper...

We have some stat updates...
17.5 lbs, 27 inches, and his melon was 17 3/4 inches.
Boy he is growing! Defiantly not a baby anymore!

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