March 6, 2008

Z & Mia's 2nd Date....Mid Morning snack

After their walk (and Zack's nap) the couple had a little snack. Zack brought Mia some Cheerios's since she was so fond of them last time. Albert and I are planning on teaching Zack to be a little gentleman, but it might be a little early for him to grasp the concept yet...

Although, he let Mia have the first Cheerio...

And he listen intently as she told him about her

coffee date with Dylan...

And he waited for her to comment on how
she really likes Cheerios's...

Then she got all fired up about the Obama primary's
happening in Texas and Ohio...

She told him about the Cheerios's she had with
LT earlier, while he was napping...

Finally she paused long enough so he could go
ahead and eat some himself.

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