August 14, 2008

Avacado Kisses

Today Zack, Kari, Landon and I had a quick picnic while at the Zoo. It was our typical smorgasbord, where Zack eats LT's food and LT eats Zack's.
Both of the boys were enjoying blackberries and avocado when...

Landon just had to give Kari a BIG KISS and HUG.

Kari didn't seem to mind the avocado in her eyebrows, hair, neck or shirt.
What mom could resist such yummy kisses?!

Doesn't LT look handsome in his avocado / blackberry outfit? Unfortunately for LT, all good things must come to an end and mom won the face washing wrestling match.
I didn't get any pictures of Z eating this time, but Kari got a few last time we picnicked at Zoo.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Too funny. Thanks for getting some pictures of this!