August 15, 2008

Chillin' at the Zoo

Zack, Landon, Kari and I had a little impromptu trip to the Zoo yesterday. Of course, Zack doesn't go anywhere without a car, truck or train...

Today was the little camping dune buggy.

Landon seemed happy just playing it cool in stroller with his sunglasses.

We decided to take the little train that makes a short circle around the flamingo area. Luckily, both the boys are still young enough that they are still willing to sit with their mom's...and even take pictures! The hat team on the left, sunglasses team on right.

This is the second time Z's has ridden the train but was just as serious as the first.

This was LT's first time on the Zoo train and he seemed pretty serious himself. They both smiled a couple of times but I missed it with the camera.

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